
How to Become a Witch.

A 15 week on-line course which takes you through all aspects of being a witch.  There is one test and it's an open book, we guarantee everyone who wants to pass will, your tutor can assist you with this.  At the conclusion you will be initiated as a witch into the Order of Rhiamon, if you so desire.  The course includes new witch name, tuition via email or ICQ, a certificate of completion, your own individual talisman and an email address.

Cost:  $150.00 ($Australian)
The rest of the Cosmos (you will be notified of the relevant fee when you enrol)


Module 1 - History
Traces the history of witchcraft from the development through the persecutions and right up to it’s current re-emergence.
Module 2 - Philosophy and Beliefs
The philosophy and principles behind witchcraft.
Module 3 - Tools, Clothing and Names
Working tools (e.g. the athame, wand, etc), dress, jewelry and other accessories, witch names.
Module 4 - The Sabbats
The Major Sabbats - Samhain, Beltaine, Imbolc and Lughnasadh.
The Minor Sabbats - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Equinox's.
Module 5 - The Rites of Life
Handfasting and handparting, birth and death.
Module 6 - Getting Started
Module 7 - Solitary Witches
Rituals for solitary witches.
Module 8 - Covens and Rituals
Coven culture and rituals.
Module 9 - Meditation, Dreams and Astral Travelling
The how, how and why of meditation.  How to interpret dreams and teaches you to remember your dreams.  You will also learn just what astral travel is and how to do it yourself, safely and in control.
Module 10 - Channeling
Types of channeling, how to do them, and how to interpret the results.  You will be taught to read auras in this module as well.
Module 11 - Divination
You will be taught many aspects of divination including:
tarot, scrying, wands, cheiromancy, tea-leaf reading, numerology, astrology. fire scrying, and crystal balls.
Module 12 - Magick
Learn how to cast spells and achieve the results you dream of.   Covers all aspects of witch magick including:
cord magick, candle magick, and sex magick.
Module 13 - The Power of the Written Word
Talismans, amulets, songs, hieroglyphics and runes.
Module 14 - Healing
Covers the many ways witches can heal:
Auric healing, pranic healing, absent healing, colour healing and gemstone healing.  Herbs and their healing powers is also covered in this module.
Module 15 - Getting Set Up
Preparation for life as a witch, you will cover:
Rituals.  How to form a covern.  Coming out of the 'broom closet'.  Young Witches.